- 100% Free iPhone browser for Mac and Windows
- 100% Drag-and-drop interface for easily copying files to and from your iPhone
- Create, delete and rename files and folders on your iPhone or iPod Touch
- Works with all iPhones and iPod Touches including the iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G
- Allows you to use your iPhone as a flash drive / pen drive or put your iPhone into disk mode
- Tiny download size
- (Optional) If you jailbreak your iPhone you can access the real root of your iPhone and recover your address book, SMS, e-mails and more.
Official site: iPhone Explorer
![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/3413/windows2.png)
![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7556/windows.png)
![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/3783/maci.png)