Σήμερα η Apple πέρασε στην αντεπίθεση καταθέτοντας μύνηση κατά της Nokia για παραβίαση 13 πατεντών!
Η μόνη επίσημη δήλωση προς το παρόν έρχεται από τον Bruce Sewell - Apple's General Counsel and senior vice president:
Other companies must compete with us by inventing their own technologies, not just by stealing ours.
Παραθέτω το κείμενο που συνοδεύει την ανταπαίτηση αυτή της Apple:
In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone a ground-breaking device that allowed users access to the functionality of the already popular iPod on a revolutionary mobile phone and Internet device. The iPhone is a converged device that allows users to access and ever expanding set of software featuyres to take and send pictures, play music, play games do research, serve as a GPS device and much more. … The iPhone platform has caused a revolutionary change in the mobile phone category.
In contrast, Nokia made a different business decision and remained focused on traditional mobile wireless handsets with conventional user interfaces. As a result, Nokia has rapidly lost share in the market for high-end mobile phones. Nokia has admitted that, as a result of the iPhone launch, “the market changed suddenly and [Nokia was] not fast enough changing with it.
In response, Nokia chose to copy the iPhone, especially its enormously popular and patented design and user interface.
… As Anssi Vanjoki, Nokia’s executive Vice President and General Manager of Multimedia, stated at Nokia’s GoPlay event in 2007 when asked about the similarities of Nokia’s new offerings to the already released iPhone:”If there is something good in the world, we copy with pride.” True to this quote, Nokia has demonstrated its willingness to copy Apple’s iPhone ideas as well as Apple’s basic computing technologies, all while demanding Apple pay for access to Nokia’s purported standards essential patent. Apple seeks redress for this behavior.
[via gizmodo]
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: adenadoume, 11/12/2009 - 18:02