Πως λειτουργεί;
1. Power-on your jailbreaked device
2. On iTunes logo, plug iDongle
3. Wait for leds to end flashing
4. Unplug iDongle or wait for boot
iDongle FAQ
What is it ?
This is a standalone piece of hardware able to boot your jailbreaked device (a.k.a “tethered boot”), and optionnally to jailbreak and hacktivate it if not already done.
Why do I need this ?
If your jailbreaked device is stuck into “recovery mode” (i.e Connect-to-iTunes logo) each time you restart or reboot your device, then it may be usefull for you =)
I want one !
From now, I only have a dozen of (working) prototype. I need to raise some minimal funds to start manufacturing them in quantities, to lower the price as much as possible for the community. You can help by buying me a prototype at good price, or simply donate as pre-order

How do I know if my device is concerned ?
Any iPhone 3GS made after week 40 (2009). The week number is usually the 4th and 5th digit of the serial number. iPod Touch 2G whose serial number begins with “MC” are concerned or any iPod Touch 3G.
Which device is supported ?
From now, iPhone 3GS and iPodTouch 2G/3G are supported, all with OS 3.1 / 3.1.1 / 3.1.2 only, but the later is recommended.
Will you support OS 3.1.3 ?
Maybe, or not. iDongle can be easily updated through USB. If jailbreak is available, I’ll try and post a free update.
Does it provide unlock ?
Not directly. Look for Geohot’s “sn0w” or Dev Team’s “ultrasn0w” package on Cydia.
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