* iPhone: Facebook (58%), iTunes (48%), Google Maps (47%)
* Android: Google Maps (67%), Facebook (50%), Weather Channel (38%)
* Blackberry: Facebook (51%), Google Maps(34%), Weather Channel (28%)
Σημαντικά στοιχεία:
* 21% of American wireless subscribers have a smartphone at Q4 2009, up from 19% in the previous quarter and significantly higher than the 14% at the end of 2008
* 14% of mobile subscribers have downloaded an app in the last 30 days
* Average number of apps: Smartphone: 22, Feature phone: 10
o BlackBerry: 10
o iPhone:37
o Android: 22
o Palm: 14
o Windows Mobile: 13
*Nielsen recently launched its ‘App Playbook,’ surveying more than 4,200 people who had downloaded an application in the past 30 days.