πολύ σωστός

Εγγύηση Apple στην Ελλάδα. Τι ισχύει τελικά ;
Δημοσίευση 21/04/2014 - 17:09
Δημοσίευση 21/04/2014 - 17:27
Τσέκαρε εδώ....αγορασμένο από Πλαίσιο (Με vodafone στικεράκι πάνω) και στην μια βδομάδα που το πήγα ο ίδιος στην ΑΡβάτο τα ίδια (έλειπαν εξαρτήματα μπλα μπλα...) Τυχαίο? Δεν νομίζω...μετά από 1μισι μήνα και καταγγελίες βρήκα το δίκιο μου και η vodafone στην ερώτηση πως συνέβη όλο αυτό? Δεν είχε απάντηση και το ψάχνει με την apple Λέει.....τρέχα βρες στο Ελλαδιστάν και άντε να βρείς το δίκιο σου![/quote
Δεν θα το βρεις φίλε αρβατο θέλει σδοε κ κλείσιμο.μιλάνε με τους παρόχους Αλλά ισχυρίζονταιεπαφη με apple.Εγώ σκέφτομαι πολύ σοβαρά να μαζευτούμε εδώ επώνυμα και να κάνουμε ένα ομαδικό εξοδικο διότι τράβηξε πολύ το αστειάκι.δίνουμε τρέλα φράγκα για να μας φέρονται σαν πακιστανούς σε βενζινάδικο.έλεος
Δημοσίευση 21/04/2014 - 17:28
[quote name="bezoss" post="1555643" timestamp="1398088233"]http://www.iphonehel...e/#entry1416320
Τσέκαρε εδώ....αγορασμένο από Πλαίσιο (Με vodafone στικεράκι πάνω) και στην μια βδομάδα που το πήγα ο ίδιος στην ΑΡβάτο τα ίδια (έλειπαν εξαρτήματα μπλα μπλα...) Τυχαίο? Δεν νομίζω...μετά από 1μισι μήνα και καταγγελίες βρήκα το δίκιο μου και η vodafone στην ερώτηση πως συνέβη όλο αυτό? Δεν είχε απάντηση και το ψάχνει με την apple Λέει.....τρέχα βρες στο Ελλαδιστάν και άντε να βρείς το δίκιο σου![/quote
Δεν θα το βρεις φίλε αρβατο θέλει σδοε κ κλείσιμο.μιλάνε με τους παρόχους Αλλά ισχυρίζονταιεπαφη με apple.Εγώ σκέφτομαι πολύ σοβαρά να μαζευτούμε εδώ επώνυμα και να κάνουμε ένα ομαδικό εξοδικο διότι τράβηξε πολύ το αστειάκι.δίνουμε τρέλα φράγκα για να μας φέρονται σαν πακιστανούς σε βενζινάδικο.έλεος
είμαι μέσα...
Δημοσίευση 21/04/2014 - 17:33
Καλησπέρα σας Κε ,
Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε πως θα πρέπει να επικοινωνήσετε με το τμήμα εξυπηρέτησης πελάτων της Vodafone, στο 13830 ή στο 210-6702000.
Best Regards
Kifisou Ave. 38-38A| 104 42| Athens| Peristeri | Greece
Phone +30 210 51 97 500| Fax +30 210 51 97 529|
Internet: http://www.teleservice.com
Registered Office Harsewinkel | Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Gutersloh HRB 2200
Executive Management: Frank Guenter Schirrmeister, Sylvia Johnson, Anastasia Niarchou, Myrjam Gerda Ross
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From: Stelios]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 11:09 AM
To: Info-Athens, TS-GR-AT-GR
Subject: Πρθ: Thanks for contacting us.
ονομαζομαι στελιος.
σας εχω φερει την συσκευη iphone 5s με imei:358688052296027
εχω ανοιξει case id στην apple μου λενε οτι ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να γινει αντικατασταση και εσεις αρνειστε.
οπως βλεπετε απο την συνομιλια δεν σας γνωριζουν ουτε σας αναφερουν ως επισημο σερβις.
Στις 3:06 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 24 Μαρτίου 2014, ο/η Apple Chat Support <do_not_reply@apple.com> έγραψε:
Nice chatting with you.
Here's the transcript of your chat with Apple Support:
Chat Transcript
Monday, March 24, 2014 02:14 PM
Duration: 50 minutes 40 seconds
Thanks for contacting AppleCare chat support. My name is Chad. Please give me a moment to look over your information.
hello my name is stelios
Hi Stelios, thank you for chatting with me on support.apple.com today. This sessions case number is 591870600. How are you doing?
this is the second time and i am very dissapointed
i have an iphone 5s gray 16gb
which is has been replaced in 26/02/2014
and the replacement has problem with touch id and lighting port
I do see your iPhone was services last month, and let me assure you this was not our intention for your device to behave this way. So I will do everything I can to help.
i took it to the service provider arvato which is a partner of my carrier vodafone
i took there and they say to me that to replace my iphone apple must say that,to confirm it
what can we do about it?
here in greece we haven't official apple store's
I see. Well I will definitely do everything I can to help. Would it be okay if I ask some questions, to get a better idea of the problem?
and we have to do stadar things which take a lot of time
of cousre be my guet
Excellent! So how long ago did you notice the Touch ID was not functioning properly?
from the last update to 7.1
it took time to recognize a finger print and not all the times it works.some times even if i try hard 4-5 times it says give the password
and the lighting port problem is that is very loose when i plug in the cable
it doesn/t make the click
and i think its because its a refurbished iphone
which means that it might be used this component
i paied for this phone 739 euros and i want it to be perfect
Well I can definitely see why you are chatting in, as I would too. I will do my best to make sure we get to the bottom of this today.
When your iPhone is replaced, it should be with a remanufactured iPhone, rather than a refurbished one. Meaning that it shouldn’t of been used by anyone before you.
and the service provider denied to swipe it with a replacement and they say that if you give the ok then they will do
ok a remanufactured but its a faulty then device
and i want to get a new one because i have it for nearly 2 months and this is the second time that i am without my lovely phone
what can we do about it?
can you talk with the?so the can proceed to change it?
Certainly, so you mentioned there are two separate issues. The lightning connector and the Touch ID. Did they start at the same time?
the lighting port from the first second
but i didnt want to be without a phone for at least 5 days.
I see, I can understand that. Does the iPhone still charge properly when it is connected?
yes but some times its overheating
and i use only genuine cables from apple
and belkin
Okay, and have you tried another cable to see if a separate cable connects to the device properly?
5 cables
and i have ipad air and iphone 5 for my girlfriend and they much different from mine
That makes sense, so it does seem to be isolated to the iPhone. Do you have a backup of your devices data in either iTunes or iCloud?
i have back up in my local pc
please tell them to change it with a new one...
Excellent, having a backup is very good. It does sound like you have done some great troubleshooting. I will do everything I can Stelios. Please give me just a moment to look into my resources and see what options I have for us.
ok i'm waiting
Thank you for being patient with me while I look into this for us.
I am still looking into this for us Stelios, it should just be a couple more moments. Thank you.
Thank you for being patient with me Stelios, my senior advisor Susie would like to chat with you to see if she can help resolve this for us. Would it be okay if I transfer you to her?
yes ok
Excellent, thank you so much for chatting with me!
Have a great rest of your day!
Thanks for contacting AppleCare chat support. My name is Susie. Please give me a moment to look over your information.
you too
my name is stelios and i am from greece
Hi Stelios, hope all is well with you today
I am Susie and I am in the United States, I will be happy to help you today and go over what options we have for you
its not a good day for me because my iphone 5s its in service and they say to me that to make a replacement apple should say so
what can we do about it?
I am sorry to hear that Stelios, what seems to be the problem with your iPhone?
first the lightning port its a little bit loose and when the cable comes in it doesn't make the click sound and its easily getting out
and the second has t do with the touch id
I see, so when you plug in the cable to charge the iPhone down at the bottom its not secure enough and causes issues with charging, is that correct?
its charging but its overheating sometimes
and the cable comes out if you do a movement
its very tight
I am sorry to hear about these issues. Now has the iPhone had any type of accidental damage, meaning has it been dropped or exposed to any liquid?
its not very tight
no nothing.its in case original apple blue and with sreen protectors back & front
and only genuine cables from apple and belkin
and another issue is that the power button rattles and trasfer this sound to video when recording
That is great news. Now with it overheating, is the iPhone too hot to touch? If so have you been injured from the iPhone getting too hot?
no i am ok.but when charging its not very usable because is very hot
i cant even put it to my ear because i feel the heat
Okay, first off we don’t want you to be charging it anymore if its getting that hot. We don’t want you injured or any further damage created to your iPhone
but my problem is that in order to replace my iphone they service provider said to me tha you should give the ok to do the replace
That is what’s confusing. We don’t ever have to give a Carrier permission to replace a iPhone so I am not sure why they asked you to contact us
Was the iPhone purchased in Greece?
ok could you please tell them to replace my iphone?
yes from vodafone on contract
Then they have all the power to replace. I am unable to phone them and tell them what to do but I can send you this chat transcript that will show that the iPhone is under warranty for another 316 days and as long as no accidental damage then its to be replaced by your carrier since no Apple stores in your location
i told them but they say to me that you(apple) have denied because they think that works properly
We have never even had any contact with you or your carrier about your iPhone. I see that this is the first contact you have had with us so I am not sure what your carrier is implying
Here is your warranty that you can provide to them
iPhone Warranty / Greece
the arvato said to me that they talk with apple
and nt ith vodafone
not with
they are service provider from vodafone
vodafone told me to take it there
The only option for replacement in Greece is your carrier. We have no Apple locations there so we don’t make the decision to replace or not replace, I am sorry but your carrier is giving you wrong information
vodafone told me that they have provided the service to arvato
Then you need to take it up with them, I am sorry but again the only option we have for replacement in Greece is through the carrier, they are the only ones to make the decision since we have no physical store location in Greece.
Here is the local Greece Apple contact number if you wish to speak with someone on the phone who may be able to explain it a little more
 Greece 00800 4414 5417
Are you still there?
can i have a copy of our case?
so i can saw them?
Yes, your case number is 591870600
Once our chat session ends this entire chat conversation we have had will be emailed to you
Can you just confirm your email address please?
Thank you. The email is on the way.
thanks for your time
I am sorry this is so troublesome. I wish you well with your carrier, you will have all the information you need to get service from them
Have a good day Stelios
you too
If you need more help later, open this case. You can then start a new chat session or choose another support option.
Case ID: 591870600
Open this case
Apple Support
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Διαβάστε το και θα καταλάβετε τι εστί αρβατο
When your iPhone is replaced, it should be with a remanufactured iPhone, rather than a refurbished one. Meaning that it shouldn’t of been used by anyone before you.
they are service provider from vodafone
vodafone told me to take it there
The only option for replacement in Greece is your carrier. We have no Apple locations there so we don’t make the decision to replace or not replace, I am sorry but your carrier is giving you wrong information
vodafone told me that they have provided the service to arvato
Then you need to take it up with them, I am sorry but again the only option we have for replacement in Greece is through the carrier, they are the only ones to make the decision since we have no physical store location in Greece
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: nikosgnr, 21/04/2014 - 17:43
Merge Posts
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 18:46
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 18:51
Ανακατασκευασμένο θα πάρειςΚαλησπέρα , έχω στην κατοχή μου ένα Iphone 5s εδώ και 2 μήνες ,εδώ και 3 ημέρες άρχισε να παίζει το home button, ενώ είναι πλήρως λειτουργικό έκανε ένα κενό κ παίζει λίγο το κουμπί. Πήγα σήμερα στον Γερμανό και μου είπαν να το παω αύριο για να το στείλουν, το κινητό ειναι Jailbreak υπάρχει θέμα με αυτο ; Και θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω αν υπάρχει περίπτωση να μην το φτιάξουν .
Δεν γίνονται επισκευές
Και καλο θα ηταν να κανεις ενα restore πριν το δώσεις το κινητό
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: lookito, 06/05/2014 - 18:51
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 18:57
Μάλιστα, γνωρίζουμε πόσο καιρό θα κάνει και αν ειναι καλό το ανακατασκευασμένο ;Ανακατασκευασμένο θα πάρεις
Δεν γίνονται επισκευές
Και καλο θα ηταν να κανεις ενα restore πριν το δώσεις το κινητό
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 19:06
Αν το πας Γερμανό αύριο θα κάνεις κανα 10ήμερο να το πάρεις, στην καλύτερη περίπτωση. Τα ανακατασκευασμένα είναι που θα πεσεις. Είχα πέρσι ένα iphone 5 και ηταν διαμάντι.
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 19:09
Αν αποφασίσεις να το πας, οπωσδήποτε restore. Αν πάει με JB χάνεις την εγγύηση και συνεπώς δεν γίνεται αντικατάσταση.
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 19:09
Μάλιστα, γνωρίζουμε πόσο καιρό θα κάνει και αν ειναι καλό το ανακατασκευασμένο ;
Εξωτερικά το κινητό και η μπαταρία ειναι καινουρια στα ανακαταςκευαςμενα οποτε μην σε αγχώνει αυτο
Δημοσίευση 06/05/2014 - 19:14
Δημοσίευση 11/05/2014 - 18:41
παιδια με λιγα λογια εαν παρεις καποιο iphone απο skroutzomagazo εχεις 2 χρονια εγγυηση απο την infoquest ενω εαν ειναι απο γερμανο πλαισιο cosmote vodafone wind 1 χρονο γιατι το παιζουν κινεζοι με λιγα λογια
Δημοσίευση 11/05/2014 - 18:59
Νίκο θα βρούμε όμως το δίκιο μας η είναι μπλέξιμο η δουλειά ;
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: aristidis7, 11/05/2014 - 19:00
Δημοσίευση 11/05/2014 - 19:07
Aπο όπου και αν το πάρεις, εντός Ε.Ε η εγγύηση είναι 2ετής.
Και ασ'τους να λένε ο,τι θέλουν.
ναι αλλα φιλε μου ακουω απο παιδια οτι παιδευονται πολυ για να τα περασουν μετα τον 1 χρονο. εαν ειναι καλυτερα απο skroutzomagaza εαν ειναι να σε πεθανουν, και καλα να εχεις χρονο να τρεξεις. εαν δεν εχεισ τι κανεισ? τα καταπινεισ πολυ απλα ετσι? αρεεε ελλαδαρα με τα μεγαλιασουυυυυυυυ
Χρήστες που διαβάζουν αυτό το θέμα: 13
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