Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: manosvitacar, 17/08/2013 - 08:08

Διαθέσιμο το jailbreak του ios 6.1.3 - 6.1.4 με unthred3rgl0ue μόνο Linux
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 08:07
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 08:37
Καλημέρα σε όλους,
έτσι από περιέργια,
- το δοκίμασε κανείς?
- Μου φαίνεται λίγο "κουλό" να παίζει.
- Τι exploit έκαψαν οι τυπάδες.
- Είναι τόσο χαζοί που έκαψαν exploit του iOS 7???
- Ποιοι κρύβονται πίσω από αυτη την ομάδα?
- Είναι κάποιοι από τους γνωστούς άγνωστους?
Εμένα μου κινεί το ενδιαφέρον πως αν δουλεύει γιατί να έβγαλαν tool για linux πρώτα και όχι για mac?
Ας αρχίσει να ξεδιπλώνεται το κουβάρι ξεκινόντας με το αν δουλεύει ή είναι ακόμα μια μπαρούφα που απλά προσπαθεί να κερδίσει followers στο twitter...
Εγώ πάντως με την iOS 7 δεν πρόκειται να κάνω πισωγύρισμα. Απ' τη στιγμή που στο iPad mini πήρα την απόφαση να παρατήσω την 6.1.2 jailbreak και να πάω σε official iOS 7 σημαίνει πολλά.
*** Το link δεν δουλεύει και δε νομίζω να είναι λόγο φόρτου***
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: katsulas, 17/08/2013 - 08:46
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 08:45
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 09:06
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 09:07
Εγώ πιστεύω ότι είναι Fake.
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 09:27
απλα σου αποδεικνύει οτι εχουν βρει bootrom exploit και τιποτε αλλο.
απλα βαζει το iphone σε pwned dfu mode.
αλλα σιγουρα μελλοντικα μπορει να χρησιμοποιηθει σε ενα ολοκληρωμενο untethered jb tool
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 10:19
λοιπον δεν ειναι jailbreak οπως ειπε και ο φιλος ο bat απο πανω απλα βαζει την συσκευή σε PwnedDFU, που πράγματι ειναι απόδειξη πως υπαρχει Bootrom Exploit, τιποτα περισσότερο, μαλλον ειναι αυτο για το οποίο μιλούσε ο p0sixninja, απλα αραξτε, παρτε ποπ κορν και ας περιμένουμε την απαντηση του χοχο
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 12:55
Βαδίζοντας προς την επίσημη κυκλοφορία του ios 7 στις 10 Σεπτεμβρίου ένα καινούργιο εργαλείο που πραγματοποιεί jailbreak έκανε την εμφάνιση του σήμερα με το όνομα Unthred3rgl0ue και πραγματοποιεί untethered jailbreak σε όλες τις συσκευές...
με επεξεργαστή A4,A5 και φυσικά στο iphone 5/4S στο ios 6.1.3/4
Δυστυχώς όμως προς το παρών είναι διαθέσιμο μόνο για υπολογιστές Linux και σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες θα δοθεί σύντομα και για MAC/WINDOWS.
Όσοι λοιπόν διαθέτετε λειτουργικό σύστημα Linux μπορείτε να την κατεβάσετε από τον σύνδεσμο πιο κάτω και για του λόγου το αληθές ανέβηκε και το σχετικό video με ένα iPad 2 με IOS 6.1.3
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: iPhoneHellas, 17/08/2013 - 12:56
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 13:09
Σχόλιο από τον planetbeing στο Reddit:
Leaving aside any commentary on my part, I'll stick to the bare facts: This code appears to be largely copied wholesale from the private Absinthe 2.0 repository that people involved in the creation of Absinthe 2.0 had access to. These files all originally had a "Copyright © 2010 Chronic-Dev Team" line above all other copyright statements. Since the code was never for public release, we did not modify the copyright lines to insert ourselves when we modified a file, significantly or otherwise. Since posixninja created the skeleton project for most of the files, his name is on most of these files.
The initial commit was on September 15th, 2011 by posixninja. Below is the github chart showing contributions to the repo. Note that this repo is not the same as the one containing the code execution exploit (of racoon) and the kernel exploit, which was the part pod2g and I largely worked on.
Certain files in this repository were later contributed back into libimobiledevice, maintained by Nikias, but some changes that no open source license was ever issued for not written by posixninja still exists within the released UnthreadedRa1n code. I think it can however be fairly said that the portions of code not open sourced by their rightful copyright holders are not "critical" subroutines.
Of course, jailbreak.c in the project had to be significantly altered by UnthreadedJB to use the exploitation path used in evasi0n. posixninja did not have access to this code, nor did anyone who conceivably would have given the code to UnthreadedJB. However, making this change could have quite straightforwardly been performed with a machine decompiler such as HexRays.
The kernel exploit that I initially believed was a reverse engineering and reimplementation of the ROP version of the same exploit contained within Absinthe 2.0 is included (with proper credit) in the released UnthreadedRa1n source code. The code was written by me from a donated kernel vulnerability. The level of technical expertise required to use this existing PoC code is much lower than would have been necessary to reverse engineer the ROP code and rewrite the kernel exploit in simple C. It would have merely required porting the jailbreak kernel patches to all iOS versions one desired to support.
Besides the above revelations brought by the release of the UnthreadedRa1n source code, it is also necessary to note that posixninja and perhaps (other?) elements of UnthreadedJB have access to the source code of SHAtter, which I believe is primarily or solely authored by pod2g. This also makes their latest SHAtter clone release potentially less impressive if existing code was copied or even consulted.
pod2g, Nikias and I have never given permission for our contributions to be used in this manner or published in this manner
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 13:12
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 13:16
Εννοείται να το αποφύγετε.
Οκ ευχαριστω πολύ
Δημοσίευση 17/08/2013 - 22:57
Όλα ωραία και καλά, όμως μιλάμε για "κλοπή".
Leaving aside any commentary on my part, I'll stick to the bare facts: This code appears to be largely copied wholesale from the private Absinthe 2.0 repository that people involved in the creation of Absinthe 2.0 had access to. These files all originally had a "Copyright © 2010 Chronic-Dev Team" line above all other copyright statements. Since the code was never for public release, we did not modify the copyright lines to insert ourselves when we modified a file, significantly or otherwise. Since posixninja created the skeleton project for most of the files, his name is on most of these files.
The initial commit was on September 15th, 2011 by posixninja. Below is the github chart showing contributions to the repo. Note that this repo is not the same as the one containing the code execution exploit (of racoon) and the kernel exploit, which was the part pod2g and I largely worked on.
Certain files in this repository were later contributed back into libimobiledevice, maintained by Nikias, but some changes that no open source license was ever issued for not written by posixninja still exists within the released UnthreadedRa1n code. I think it can however be fairly said that the portions of code not open sourced by their rightful copyright holders are not "critical" subroutines.
Of course, jailbreak.c in the project had to be significantly altered by UnthreadedJB to use the exploitation path used in evasi0n. posixninja did not have access to this code, nor did anyone who conceivably would have given the code to UnthreadedJB. However, making this change could have quite straightforwardly been performed with a machine decompiler such as HexRays.
The kernel exploit that I initially believed was a reverse engineering and reimplementation of the ROP version of the same exploit contained within Absinthe 2.0 is included (with proper credit) in the released UnthreadedRa1n source code. The code was written by me from a donated kernel vulnerability. The level of technical expertise required to use this existing PoC code is much lower than would have been necessary to reverse engineer the ROP code and rewrite the kernel exploit in simple C. It would have merely required porting the jailbreak kernel patches to all iOS versions one desired to support.
Besides the above revelations brought by the release of the UnthreadedRa1n source code, it is also necessary to note that posixninja and perhaps (other?) elements of UnthreadedJB have access to the source code of SHAtter, which I believe is primarily or solely authored by pod2g. This also makes their latest SHAtter clone release potentially less impressive if existing code was copied or even consulted.
pod2g, Nikias and I have never given permission for our contributions to be used in this manner or published in this manner.
Θέση πήρε και ο Saurik.
SHAtter was leaked on Twitter back in the day; I do not quite remember who originally did this (well, I think I might remember, but nowhere near sufficiently to name anyone here; and the people who posted it to Twitter might not have been the "leaker" anyway). You can still find the code (not from the original leaker, I believe) by searching Google for "shatter.c".
(Also, as copyright lines and author credit are being discussed: this file has a copyright assigned to p0sixninja, but that was a modification made by the person who initially leaked it <- I know this as I was one of the people who had access to the original and was researching the leak at the time. That said, this was years ago, so I am willing to believe I'm forgetting.)
Προφανώς λοιπόν μένετε μακριά..
Δημοσίευση 19/08/2013 - 13:00
επειδη τα αγγλικα μου δεν ειναι και τοσο καλα.....τα παλικαρια του 6.1.2 τι λενε?παντως εγω εχω linux και το προγραμμα το κατεβασα απο εδω:http://www.ihacksblo...eak-ios-6-1-34/
Knowledge Is Power
Δημοσίευση 21/08/2013 - 03:49
Λοιπον το δοκιμασα τελικα τζιφος μου λεει οτι η εκδοση που εχω δεν υποστηριζεται......βλεπει την συσκευη ξεκιναει να το κανει πεταει error και μου λεει οτι το build που εχω 10B350 αν δεν κανω λαθος που ειναι η 6.1.4 δεν υποστηριζεται....
Knowledge Is Power
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