ayeris_hero@2x.jpg 102,68KB
127 λήψεις
ayeris: Το νέο theme του Surenix για το iOS 7 είναι πραγματικά ένα από τα καλύτερα που έχουμε δει ποτέ.
- 200+ re-designed icons
- System-wide UI alteration
- 6 beautiful high-resolution wallpapers
- Status bar icons
- …and much, much more to come!
- 1Password
- 7 Min MC
- 7 Minute Workout
- 8tracks
- 9GAG
- AcePlayer
- Activator
- Air Canada
- Alien Blue
- Amazon
- American Express
- Anki Flashcards
- App Shopper
- App Store
- Apple Store
- Authy
- Barrel
- BestBuy
- Box
- Breaking (News)
- BytaFont
- BytaFont 2
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Callbar
- Camera
- Cineplex
- Circa
- Clear
- Clock
- Colloquy
- Compass
- Contacts
- Crash Reporter
- Cydia
- DB Navigator
- Deliveries
- Dex
- Dictionary
- dict.cc plus
- Disney World
- Dropbox
- eBay
- Eventbrite
- F.lux
- Facebook Camera
- Facebook Messenger
- Facebook Pages
- Facebook Paper
- Facebook Poke
- FaceTime
- Fantastical
- Fantastical 2
- Find My Friend
- Find My iPhone
- FlexPlayer
- FuelBand
- Futureshop
- Game Center
- GarageBand
- Google+
- Google Chrome
- Google Drive
- Google Earth
- Google Gmail
- Google Maps
- Google Translate
- Hacker News
- Horoscopes
- iBooks
- iFile
- iMovie
- Indigo
- IRCCloud
- imgur
- iPhoto
- iStudiez Pro
- iTranslate
- iTunes
- iTunes U
- Keynote
- Kijiji
- Mailbox
- Maps
- Messages
- Mobile Terminal
- ModMyi
- Music
- Nest
- Netflix
- news:yc
- Nike+ Move
- Notes
- Numbers
- OpenVPN
- Opus Domini
- Pages
- Pandora (jewelry)
- Pandora (radio)
- Passbook
- Path
- PayPal
- PC Financial
- PC Plus
- Pebble
- Pebble Dev
- Pedometer
- Phone
- Photos
- PlayStation
- Podcast
- Prismatic
- Prompt
- Push (TNW)
- Pushover
- RBC Banking
- Reeder 2
- Reminders
- Remino
- Remote
- Rogers My Account
- Safari
- Scan
- Scanner Pro
- Segna Punti
- Settings
- Shazam
- Simple (banking)
- Simplenote
- Skype
- SnapChat
- Snapseed
- Sparrow
- Speedtest
- Sphero
- Spotify
- Stocard
- Stocks
- TD Banking
- Terminal
- The Record
- Thermodo
- Ticketmaster
- TimePlay
- Tim Hortons
- TT
- Tumblr
- Tweetbot 2
- Tweetbot 3
- Uber
- Vevo
- Viber
- Videos
- Vine
- VSCOcam
- Voice Memos
- Weather
- WeiboChat
- WinterBoard
- Xbox One SmartGlass
- Yahoo Mail
- Yahoo Messenger
- Yahoo Weather
- YouTube
- Zedge
- ...αναμένονται και άλλα σε μελοντικές αναβαθμίσεις
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