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[Tweak] mikoto

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25 μηνύματα σε αυτό το θέμα

#16   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 07/11/2015 - 19:13

To παραπάνω Repo είναι το Official.


Δε θα το βρείς κάπου αλλού.

| JailBreak Means System Customization |




3,1416 μηνύματα
Twitter: @android
Φύλο: Όπως το δει κανείς
Κινητό: Android
Tablet: Για τα κουνούπια

Γιατί να γίνετε μέλη;

#17   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 08/11/2015 - 03:06

3.0 BETA με υποστήριξη για iOS 9. Επιπλέον:

- [iOS 9+] Added a feature to disable the iOS 9 "Back to App" status bar button
- [iOS 8+] Added a feature to force iOS to disable contact photos in the Messages app on supported devices.
- [iOS 7+] Added a feature to force iOS to accept touch input before animations have completed (note below)
- [iOS 8+] Added a feature to prevent the home screen from rotating on the iPhone 6/6s Plus
- [iOS 7+] Added a feature to remove the blue and orange dots next to new/updater and beta apps
- [iOS 9+] Added a feature to enable the App Switcher from iOS 7/8 on iOS 9
- [iOS 7+] Added a feature to force the Notification Center to show the full text of all notifications
- [iOS 7+] Added a feature to clear notifications in the Notification Center with just one tap
- [iOS 9+] Added a feature to disable the Spotlight page on the left that was added in iOS 9
- [twitter] Added a feature to remove the small follow button on the bottom-right corner of every tweet
- [twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned Notifications UI
- [twitter] Added a feature to disable the Discovery and Trends views
- [twitter] Added a feature to disable the Moments tab
- [twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned "New Tweets" button
- [twitter] Added a feature to prevent Bing Translate from trying to (hilariously) automatically translate tweets
- [iOS 5+ Camera] Added a feature to disable the shutter sound when taking photos
- [mikoto] Added a Reset Settings button
- [mikoto] Karen's Pineapple repo links now open directly in Cydia
- [mikoto] Added a button to add my beta repo
- [mikoto] Major code refactor (again)
- [Messages] "Unlimited Video Send" now works on iOS 9, and is system-wide (meaning it will be unlimited even if you send it via the Photos app or something)

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#18   karless


    iPH Hero

  • 5.021 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone X
  • Tablet:iPad Air +4G

Δημοσίευση 08/11/2015 - 14:46

γιατι στο repo δεν εχει την beta 3;

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: nikosgnr, 08/11/2015 - 15:26
Αφαίρεση Quote

#19   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 08/11/2015 - 15:25

Στο Beta Repo.


| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#20   karless


    iPH Hero

  • 5.021 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone X
  • Tablet:iPad Air +4G

Δημοσίευση 08/11/2015 - 15:40

Σε ευχαριστω Νικο,το βρηκα!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

#21   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 25/01/2016 - 23:59

2.9 Beta πλέον.

Added features and improvements since 2.7.2

[iOS 5+ Camera] Added a feature to disable the shutter sound when taking photos
[iOS 5+] Added a feature to allow for infinite zoom into photos system-wide
[iOS 5+] Added a feature to disable the charging/double-vibrate when the device is plugged into power. Works both at boot and after resprings.
[iOS 5+] Added a feature to set a custom "Slide to Unlock" string
[iOS 5+] Added a feature to set a custom carrier string
[iOS 7+] Enable the lock screen internal text string and customise its contents
[iOS 7+] Added a feature to clear notifications in the Notification Center with just one tap
[iOS 7+] Added a feature to force iOS to accept touch input before animations have completed (note below)
[iOS 7+] Added a feature to force the Notification Center to show the full text of all notifications
[iOS 7+] Added a feature to remove the blue and orange dots next to new/updater and beta apps
[iOS 8+] Added a feature to force iOS to disable contact photos in the Messages app on supported devices.
[iOS 8+] Added a feature to prevent the home screen from rotating on the iPhone 6/6s Plus
[iOS 9+] Added a feature to disable the iOS 9 "Back to App" status bar button
[iOS 9+] Added a feature to disable the Spotlight page on the left that was added in iOS 9
[iOS 9+] Added a feature to enable the App Switcher from iOS 7/8 on iOS 9
[Messages] "Unlimited Video Send" now works on iOS 9, and is system-wide (meaning it will be unlimited even if you send it via the Photos app or something)
[mikoto] Added a button to add my beta repo
[mikoto] Added a Reset Settings button
[mikoto] Karen's Pineapple repo links now open directly in Cydia
[mikoto] Major code refactor (again)
[twitter] Added a feature to disable the Discovery and Trends views
[twitter] Added a feature to disable the Moments tab
[twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned "New Tweets" button
[twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned Notifications UI
[twitter] Added a feature to prevent Bing Translate from trying to (hilariously) automatically translate tweets
[twitter] Added a feature to remove the small follow button on the bottom-right corner of every tweet
[mikoto] Redesigned preference pane layout!
[mikoto] Added chicken nuggets
[mikoto] Added a PayPal donate button (rei@angelxwind.net)

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#22   PetrosMac


    iPH Contributor

  • 1.013 μηνύματα

Δημοσίευση 26/01/2016 - 00:39

Είναι από τους λίγους (λίγες) developers που κάνουν πραγματικά καλή δουλειά και το συγκεκριμένο update φαίνεται να φτιάχνει αρκετά πράγματα.Είχα την προηγούμενη έκδοση αλλά τώρα δεν βλέπω την ώρα να jailbreakάρω το iPhone για να εγταταστήσω το mikoto :) 


Offtopic: Bέβαια όλοι για jailbreak μιλάνε αλλά jailbreak δεν βλέπουμε.Μας βλέπω για iOS 9.3 και αν.

#23   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 26/01/2016 - 00:47

Γενικότερα το συγκεκριμένο είναι και απο τα πιο σταθερά, χωρίς προβλήματα Tweak.


Βάσει όλων των επιλογών που προσφέρει.


Το μεγάλο Update βέβαια με τη 3.0.

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#24   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 04/03/2016 - 13:11

Άλλο ένα μεγάλο Update πρίν το τελικό της 3.0.

- Changelog -

  • [2.9-beta-231-gf31f32e] [iOS 5/6/7] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where mikoto's preferences would crash on iOS 5/6/7.
  • [2.9-beta-229-g9c166ce] [iOS 9+] [System] mikoto can now enable Low Power Mode on ALL iOS 9 devices, including iPads and iPod touches.
  • [2.9-beta-225-g08f0e31] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Changed some descriptions/option names to clarify what it is that they do.
  • [2.9-beta-225-g08f0e31] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] 日本語化を更新しました。
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 9+] [System] Added the ability to open the App Switcher to the current app using the iOS 9 style switcher (previously, this only worked on iOS 9 if you had the iOS 7/8 "slider"-style switcher enabled)
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 5+] [Google Maps] Added the ability to hide the Google logo in Google Maps
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 8+] [Messages (System-wide)] Added the ability to enable/disable contact photos in the conversation list and conversation threads independently of one another
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 9+] [Photos (System-wide)] Added an option to disable iOS 9 parallax zooming ("iOS 9 cutting the sides off of images when zoomed in")
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] 不完全な日本語化を追加しました。
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Made some changes to EU Volume Limit logic, still have work to do regarding that though.
  • [2.9-beta-224-gcbbd350] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Miscellaneous code refactor
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [Camera] Added a feature to disable the shutter sound when taking photos
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [Photos (System-wide)] Added a feature to allow for infinite zoom into photos system-wide
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [System] Added a feature to disable the charging/double-vibrate when the device is plugged into power. Works both at boot and after resprings.
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [System] Added a feature to set a custom "Slide to Unlock" string
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [System] Added a feature to set a custom carrier string
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 7+] [System] Enable the lock screen internal text string and customise its contents
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to clear notifications in the Notification Center with just one tap
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to force iOS to accept touch input before animations have completed (WARNING: Causes stability issues)
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to force the Notification Center to show the full text of all notifications
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to remove the blue and orange dots next to new/updater and beta apps
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 8+] [Messages (System-wide)] Added a feature to force iOS to disable contact photos in the Messages app on supported devices.
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 8+] [System] Added a feature to prevent the home screen from rotating on the iPhone 6/6s Plus
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 9+] [System] Added a feature to disable the iOS 9 "Back to App" status bar button
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 9+] [System] Added a feature to disable the Spotlight page on the left that was added in iOS 9
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 9+] [System] Added a feature to enable the App Switcher from iOS 7/8 on iOS 9
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [Messages (System-wide)] "Unlimited Video Send" now works on iOS 9, and is system-wide (meaning it will be unlimited even if you send it via the Photos app or something)
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Added a button to add my beta repo
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Added a Reset Settings button
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Karen's Pineapple repo links now open directly in Cydia
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Major code refactor (again)
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to disable the Discovery and Trends views
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to disable the Moments tab
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned "New Tweets" button
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned Notifications UI
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to prevent Bing Translate from trying to (hilariously) automatically translate tweets
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to remove the small follow button on the bottom-right corner of every tweet
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Redesigned preference pane layout!
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5/6/7/8] [System] "Unlimited NC Notifications" now forces a reset of the notification number if the feature is disabled. Hopefully fixes the weird issues people were having with its effects mysteriously persisting even after uninstallation.
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 7] [System] "Fix Control Center" now works on iOS 7
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 9] [System] OTA Software Update and Reset/Erase All are now properly disabled on iOS 9
  • [2.9-beta-xxx-gxxxxxxx] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where the Camera(カメラ), Twitter(ツイッター), and System(システム) preferences panes in mikoto would always display in Japanese.

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#25   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 13/04/2016 - 01:41

Φτάσαμε και επίσημα στην 3.0 έκδοση.


  • [3.0] [iOS 6] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where the VOIP disabler would fail to function correctly on iOS 6.
  • [3.0] [iOS 5/6/7] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where mikoto's preferences would crash on iOS 5/6/7.
  • [3.0] [iOS 9+] [System] mikoto can now enable Low Power Mode on ALL iOS 9 devices, including iPads and iPod touches.
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Changed some descriptions/option names to clarify what it is that they do.
  • [3.0] [iOS 9+] [System] Added the ability to open the App Switcher to the current app using the iOS 9 style switcher (previously, this only worked on iOS 9 if you had the iOS 7/8 "slider"-style switcher enabled)
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [Google Maps] Added the ability to hide the Google logo in Google Maps
  • [3.0] [iOS 8+] [Messages (System-wide)] Added the ability to enable/disable contact photos in the conversation list and conversation threads independently of one another
  • [3.0] [iOS 9+] [Photos (System-wide)] Added an option to disable iOS 9 parallax zooming ("iOS 9 cutting the sides off of images when zoomed in")
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Made some changes to EU Volume Limit logic, still have work to do regarding that though.
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [Camera] Added a feature to disable the shutter sound when taking photos
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [Photos (System-wide)] Added a feature to allow for infinite zoom into photos system-wide
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [System] Added a feature to disable the charging/double-vibrate when the device is plugged into power. Works both at boot and after resprings.
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [System] Added a feature to set a custom "Slide to Unlock" string
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [System] Added a feature to set a custom carrier string
  • [3.0] [iOS 7+] [System] Enable the lock screen internal text string and customise its contents
  • [3.0] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to clear notifications in the Notification Center with just one tap
  • [3.0] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to force iOS to accept touch input before animations have completed (WARNING: Causes stability issues)
  • [3.0] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to force the Notification Center to show the full text of all notifications
  • [3.0] [iOS 7+] [System] Added a feature to remove the blue and orange dots next to new/updater and beta apps
  • [3.0] [iOS 8+] [Messages (System-wide)] Added a feature to force iOS to disable contact photos in the Messages app on supported devices.
  • [3.0] [iOS 8+] [System] Added a feature to prevent the home screen from rotating on the iPhone 6/6s Plus
  • [3.0] [iOS 9+] [System] Added a feature to disable the iOS 9 "Back to App" status bar button
  • [3.0] [iOS 9+] [System] Added a feature to disable the Spotlight page on the left that was added in iOS 9
  • [3.0] [iOS 9+] [System] Added a feature to enable the App Switcher from iOS 7/8 on iOS 9
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [Messages (System-wide)] "Unlimited Video Send" now works on iOS 9, and is system-wide (meaning it will be unlimited even if you send it via the Photos app or something)
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Added a button to add my beta repo
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Added a Reset Settings button
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Karen's Pineapple repo links now open directly in Cydia
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Major code refactor (again)
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to disable the Discovery and Trends views
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to disable the Moments tab
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned "New Tweets" button
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to enable a hidden redesigned Notifications UI
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to prevent Bing Translate from trying to (hilariously) automatically translate tweets
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [twitter] Added a feature to remove the small follow button on the bottom-right corner of every tweet
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Redesigned preference pane layout!
  • [3.0] [iOS 5/6/7/8] [System] "Unlimited NC Notifications" now forces a reset of the notification number if the feature is disabled. Hopefully fixes the weird issues people were having with its effects mysteriously persisting even after uninstallation.
  • [3.0] [iOS 7] [System] "Fix Control Center" now works on iOS 7
  • [3.0] [iOS 9] [System] OTA Software Update and Reset/Erase All are now properly disabled on iOS 9
  • [3.0] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where the Camera(カメラ), Twitter(ツイッター), and System(システム) preferences panes in mikoto would always display in Japanese

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#26   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

  • 113.594 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@nikosgnr
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 2G
  • GameCenter:nikosgnr

Δημοσίευση 17/06/2016 - 12:51


  • [3.0.7] [iOS 5+] [System] Fixed the "Custom Carrier: None" feature, which was broken in the last update due to the way I wrote mikoto's code to accomodate "Aggressive Mode."
  • [3.0.6] [iOS 5+] [System] Added "Aggressive Mode" to the custom carrier options. If "Aggressive Mode" is enabled, mikoto will override "No SIM," "No Service," "Roaming," and anything else that may appear as a carrier string.
  • [3.0.5] [iOS 5+] [youtube] Fixed a bizarre issue where mikoto would cause YouTube to crash on only some devices...
  • [3.0.4] [iOS 5+] [youtube] Worked around Google's changes to background video playback in the latest app version. Changes are backwards-compatible with older app versions.
  • [3.0.4] [iOS 5+] [youtube] Rewrote the code that shows the current video's information to the system.
  • [3.0.3] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where tapping on System -> Notification Center would send you to the Control Center settings. I am not smart.
  • [3.0.2] [iOS 5+] [Settings] The dangerous "Reset All," "Erase All," and "Software Update" buttons are now completely removed — in addition to having their underlying functionality removed, just like all previous versions. Your device is now super-safe, safer than ever before ;P
  • [3.0.2] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Fixed a bug where preference resetting might claim to fail even if it didn't.
  • [3.0.2] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Updated to use my public open-source KarenPrefs library. Also updated mikoto's usage of KarenPrefs to include colored buttons, animated exit-to-SpringBoard app close animation, and many other things I've forgotten by now.
  • [3.0.2] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Updated to use my public open-source KarenLocalizer library.
  • [3.0.1] [iOS 5+] [mikoto] Fixed a typo.

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


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