2 πράγματα. Για αρχή auki 2 απο τον Surenix.
Δεύτερον.. Iconoclasm τέλος και επίσημα μετά απο αρκετά χρόνια. Το Tweak θα γίνει Open Source για όποιον θέλει να το αναλάβει.
- Iconoclasm has been supporting me financially for the past six years, but revenue is dwindling, and none of the other projects I've released to diversify my income have taken off, so I'm no longer going to be an indie iOS developer. I want to phase out my existing projects so I can focus on my new job doing Web development at a local insurance company.
- A new version of Iconoclasm, 1.11, has been submitted to ModMyi with a new feature: layouts can now be set in folders with or without FolderEnhancer installed. (You can read more about making layouts for folders in the Iconoclasm Layout Guide.) This new version will be available for free to everyone when it goes up, and will continue to work until the OS itself breaks something.
- Iconoclasm's source code has been released on Github with a permissive license allowing anyone to use it as a base for their own product, whether it's free or paid. (Some restrictions apply.)
- If you've purchased Iconoclasm within the past three months (September to December 2015) and wish to get a refund, please email kirbykirbykirby+icrefund@gmail.com with the transaction ID for your purchase before the end of the year.