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Mossberg and Jobs talk about the iPad

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#1   sepsis


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Δημοσίευση 29/01/2010 - 21:58

O Walt Mossberg και ο Steve Jobs μιλάνε για λίγο για το iPad στην hands-on αίθουσα μετά το event της παρουσίασης.

Τα ενδιαφέροντα σημεία του βίντεο είναι τα εξής:

* Οι τιμές των eBooks στην εφαρμογή iBooks θα είναι οι ίδιες με αυτές στο Kindle και το Nook
* To iPad θα έχει περίπου 140 ώρες μπαταρίας για ακρόαση μουσικής
* Η εφαρμογή Pages θα υποστηρίζει το φορμάτ Word ενώ θα μπορεί να τα στείλει και με e-mail


To κείμενο της συζήτησης είναι το εξής:

Mossberg: "Why should she buy a book for $14.99 on your device when she can buy one for $9.99 on Amazon on the Kindle or from Barnes & Noble on the Nook?"
Jobs: "Well that won't be the case..."
Mossberg: "You mean you won't be $14.99 or they won't be $9.99?"
Jobs: "Uh...the prices will be the same."

Jobs: "The publishers are withholding books from Amazon cuz they're not happy with the..."

Jobs: "A bit more than 10 hours..."
Mossberg: "Really?"
Jobs: "Ya."
Mossberg: "Music, a lot more than 10 hours?"
Jobs: "Oh ya, music, it is, uh...140-something hours, I think...of contiguous music playback."
Mossberg: "140? And reading? What about reading?"
Jobs: *Inaudible*
Mossberg: "Its over 10? Because you know Amazon's is measured in days..."
Jobs: "Its all about the display...our chips don't use hardly any power."
Mossberg: "But that's the key, you're doing an ebook reader that isn't using e-ink that gives you really beautiful color and led..."
Jobs: "And you can read at night..."
Mossberg: "I get it, but on the other hand, there's a battery cost to that..."
Jobs: "You know there isn't...cuz you just end up...plugging it in. I mean you just end up docking it or whatever you're gonna do with it...its not a big deal. I mean, 10 hours is a long time, you're not gonna read for 10 hours"
Mossberg: "So should I write my review of this on this?"
Jobs: "Sure. Get Pages and write it in Pages."
Mossberg: "I could save it as a Word doc like on a Mac?"
Jobs: "Yes, you can."
Mossberg: "And then send, cuz believe me, the editors don't know anything about Pages, the onkly know about docs."
Jobs: "You could export it to...you could make a Word version...write it in Pages and make a Word version and send it in an email to your editors."
Mossberg: "All from here?"
Jobs: "Ya."

[via 9to5Mac]

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#2   leonbis2000


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Δημοσίευση 30/01/2010 - 00:51

Είναι λίγο σφιγμένος o Jobs ή μου φαίνεται?

#3   pabou13


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Δημοσίευση 30/01/2010 - 01:17

Με $1 που του δινουν μισθο, τι να κανει ο καημενος; :lol:

#4   ktzaf


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Δημοσίευση 30/01/2010 - 12:43

Θυμάστε τον Σημίτη στο τηλεφωνικό κέντρο του ΙΚΑ. χαχαχα!! Ανέλπιστο, ο κ.Jobs! Μόνο αυτό δεν λέει ο Mossberg. Τι άλλο θα δουν τα μάτια μας.

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