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iOS 10.2.1 - 11.3.x JΒ: News & Rumors

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#916   malias4


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Δημοσίευση 25/12/2017 - 12:51

Αμα εχουνε τα shsh γινεται αναβαθμιση απλα εινΙ πολυ μπερδεμα νομιζω
iPhone 12 pro max ios 14.2.1 jb  Apple watch series 7 nike



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Γιατί να γίνετε μέλη;

#917   W3rtY88


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Δημοσίευση 25/12/2017 - 17:06

Έχει γίνει ένας ψιλοχαμός τις τελευταίες μέρες.


Ειπώθηκαν μερικά τρομερά πράγματα απο τον Saurik για το τι έχει περάσει τους τελευταίους μήνες, τόσο εκείνος όσο και η συνεργάτις του Britta.


Υπάρχει πολύ παρασκήνιο απο πίσω..


Και το θέμα είναι πως πρέπει να γίνει πολύ δουλειά απο τον Saurik για το Update των Cydia/Substrate, που ευτυχώς έχει καταπιαστεί.


Patience to all.

έχεις κάποιο λινκ να διαβάσω αυτά που λες ? ένα που πήρςε το μάτι μου είναι ότι μπαίνει μέσα με όλη αυτή την διαδικασία, εννοώ την συντήρηση του cydia κτλ κτλ, και να κάνουμε donate. δεν έχω κανένα θέμα να κάνω donate και είμαι σίγουρος ότι αν πει ότι θέλει 1-2-3 εκατομμύρια usd θα τα βγάλει σε 1 εβδομάδα. αλλά δεν πάνε σε αυτόν αλλά σε άλλους που βρίσκουν τα exploits.


Καλά Χριστούγεννα με υγεία και χαρά :)))))

ο γούγλης είναι φίλος μας και τα ξέρει όλα ... Οπότε, ρώτα πρώτα αυτόν και μετά όλους τους άλλους :P

#918   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

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Δημοσίευση 25/12/2017 - 22:58

έχεις κάποιο λινκ να διαβάσω αυτά που λες ? ένα που πήρςε το μάτι μου είναι ότι μπαίνει μέσα με όλη αυτή την διαδικασία, εννοώ την συντήρηση του cydia κτλ κτλ, και να κάνουμε donate. δεν έχω κανένα θέμα να κάνω donate και είμαι σίγουρος ότι αν πει ότι θέλει 1-2-3 εκατομμύρια usd θα τα βγάλει σε 1 εβδομάδα. αλλά δεν πάνε σε αυτόν αλλά σε άλλους που βρίσκουν τα exploits.


Καλά Χριστούγεννα με υγεία και χαρά :)))))

Το Donate υπήρχε ανέκαθεν στο Site του Saurik.


Απλά ύστερα απο αυτά που ειπώθηκαν απο τον ίδιο, κάποιος ξεκίνησε "εκστρατεία" για Donations..


Παραθέτω πιο κάτω μερικά απο αυτά που έγραψε ο αγαπημένος μας "μούσιας" για όποιον ενδιαφέρεται..


* Ακολουθεί σεντόνι..



So, a few people have asked "wouldn't it be cool if Cydia were open source, so people could just fix things?". Cydia Installer (which is what this pissy readme file is about, not Substrate) is open source, so any time you see someone complaining about Cydia who isn't also providing patches to fix the the things they don't like, they are probably just enjoying trolling.

I mean, these aren't even real complaints... "too big, complex, and old for what it does" due to cydo? This doesn't even make sense. Cydia clearly should run as mobile (for numerous security reasons; it having used to be running as root was a problem) and it also clearly needs to install things as root; that's why you have to have an indirection like cydo to escalate from mobile to root.


The alternative would be a daemon, and that's likely going to work even more poorly with this not-really pseudo-jailbreak due to random sandbox issues in getting everything communicating and bootstrapped correctly, and in any case having two communicating systems like that is more moving parts than what Cydia currently has and so would be bigger and more complex.


What is going on right now is simply that the entire concept of an iOS 11 "jailbreak" is an incredibly sketchy house of cards, and the people who are assembling it (using an off-the-shelf exploit from Ian Beer, so like... I have no reliance on them: I can release my own jailbreak) all hate me and hate Cydia and are just taking every single opportunity to poke at me and make my life more annoying.


FWIW, I've been working with some of the people from past jailbreaks (the people who actually exploit things and like me) on the more interesting parts of making stuff work on iOS 11 (though need to verify with them whether they want to be called out by name), and am trying to make sure that everything is 100% solid: I want it to work every single time in every single situation.


To make this all work the way I need, I've built up some pretty cool stuff, such as MSHookRemote: a reasonably generalized version of "I am in one process and I need to modify the behavior of another process". The new version of Substrate even has some "super powers", such as being able to easily inject extensions into binaries marked as setuid or setgid (a classic limitation).


However, maintaining this stuff also isn't my full-time gig anymore. To pay for everything, I had to take a job working on something that I've found really draining (due to the crazy internal people dynamics that are involved), and so I no longer can just randomly pull magic rabbits out of my ass on a moments notice; I also haven't had time to "prepare" much for dropping 32-bit.


That said, essentially no one ever used the iOS 10 jailbreak until we had had multiple windows for people to install it, and way way way fewer people are going to be using whatever this weird solution we have is for iOS 11 due to numerous reasons. I thereby do not feel like I'm in some incredible rush here that requires me to compromise on anything, even "work with these people at all".


The iOS 10 jailbreak was unstable as all hell, but it was a complete jailbreak in the way that we have classically appreciated the term. As it stands, this is not, and it isn't clear that being a complete jailbreak is or even can be a target at this time. What we have is a single exploit to get us read/write access to data in the kernel, which was weaponized and provided as open source by an engineer at Google. We are thereby in the land of increasingly unfortunate compromises. I have been surprised at how far some of the jailbreakers I've been working with have managed to take this, but the people assembling this in the community have actively said they are not going to go to those lengths to make things work. We will see where things end up.



Here is my goto example of how much working on this stuff really really sucks:



This was seriously a song about how they wanted to kill me and rape Britta, and no matter how many times I complained about it, Luca simply found the whole damned thing hilarious (even as recently as July at DEFCON, when I finally decided to just write off a bunch of the people in the jailbreak community who were perfectly willing to sit around at lunch and hang out with jk as if he was totally normal).


(This was also part of the backstory on how deranged it was for them to make the jailbreak into a "mixtape", as it was the same people who worked on this totally not-OK jailbreak song.)

God. I had forgotten how annoying and demotivating this all is. Like, if this was just some random users, it would be one thing, but that it is the same damned people that everyone is like "saurik would you please work with X and Y to improve the jailbreak" just makes it so horribly broken.


Like, coolstar claims (in private, just to me) that his voice was used without permission in that track, but coolstar also has never publicly condemned it, nor has he ever asked for it to be removed or made an issue about it with any of the people who did it; and he continued to work with them on various projects (many of which explicitly had a goal of "stick it to saurik", so it is clear where his interests lie).


...and then I ask someone a couple days ago what I need to download to get the best version of what people are using in the public to do stuff on iOS 11, and it is from github.com/coolstar and I'm just like "nope. what is my next option". There is this clique of people who hate me and take enjoyment out of trolling me, and I just don't want to work with them.


I am so sick of people saying "dude, get over your pride, stop calling people out for their bullshit, and just work with people already", as if my only priority in life should be to get them their damned jailbreak ASAP, no matter what moral boundaries I have to personally cross or how much trauma I and the people I care about have to accept to make it happen.


In addition to the BS that gets posted publicly, people have thought it was funny to prank call Britta and I, to creepily talk about how they are stalking Britta or have figured out where she lives, or to perpetuate lame "in jokes" at our expense. (edit: This was various people. Some read this to mean "this is all Luca", due to the next paragraph, but I am talking about this entire class of people in this position. That said, many of these people hang out together, work together, and even have coordinated these actions with each other. But I am definitely not attributing everything to one person, and especially not all to Luca.)


As one example, when I complained about the "BRITTA ROLL UP" meme last year, which Luca chose to include in a demo video for his jailbreak, Luca seriously responded:


"griefed her until she figured out something less stressful to do with her life" -> the whole britta roll up thing happened years before she resigned, and was used for the 1st time since then on that video's description on request from someone who contributed in my jailbreak. i could also argue that "britta roll up" and "instilling fear and griefed her" are on two completely different levels"



People just don't realize that once you get to the point where someone is being abusive, that it is all of the little things that become the really troubling part of the abuse: all of the stuff that they can claim don't matter because "how can you claim this is a problem; this is like, three words attached to a video", because only you and the person perpetuating the abuse know the full context, or even simply the sheer weight of accumulated horrible things.


The idea that "someone who contributed to my jailbreak requested that I put this in the video's description, so clearly I'm going to do it no matter how it affects other people" is just such a shitty position for someone to take... it is the kind of thing that makes me want to just say "I'm not going to work with or even talk to this person ever again"... but then I'm essentially forced to by how this community is structured, with a ton of people demanding that I put aside my differences and tolerate it, as clearly I'm the person in the wrong for using harsh words about it... sigh



Σε αυτά απάντησε και ο coolstar (Anemone, Semi-Restore, ClassicSwitcher κ.α.)

my voice has been used without permission. It was ripped from my jailbreakcon talk: https://www.youtube....h?v=6-ATj3gF7Mg


I have not worked with them on any projects either at the time, or ever since then. As far as why I couldn't condemn it publicly at the time, it was because one of them doxed me at the time and started sending me crap to my house (only reason I can say this now is because I've moved out since then); so the threat was very real and I couldn't do anything about it.

Edit: Also, I would prefer if I could avoid talking about that track, not just because I hate it so much, but also because I want to avoid this possibly happening: https://en.wikipedia...treisand_effect. I don't want more people to find that out; I'd rather not give it attention, if possible.


As far as others calling "Cydia" a "mess" (which it itself isn't), I suspect they aren't talking about Cydia, but about trying to port Debian's APT (since it doesn't natively support Darwin/iOS and need patches). However, I guess I can't say exactly what they're complaining about, since I don't see any mess, really. Just some patches/porting needing to be done

| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#919   malias4


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 07:52

Καλημερα ! Κατι βγηκε :) http://www.iphonehac...-jailbreak.html
iPhone 12 pro max ios 14.2.1 jb  Apple watch series 7 nike

#920   karless


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 08:20

Καλημέρα βγήκε ναι,αλλά ας μείνουμε μακριά ακόμα γι αρχή, γιατί δεν περιέχει το Cydia.Σε αναμονή λοιπόν μέχρι να δώσει update ο Μούσιας του Cydia/Cydia Substrate.

Sent from my iPhone X using Tapatalk

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: karless, 26/12/2017 - 08:21

#921   dimitrisnt


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 11:36

Αρα σφαζονται οι άνθρωποι που αποτελούν ουσιαστικά την jailbreak σκηνη...
Και ο βασικότερος πυλωνας ο μουσιας οπως τον λένε ασχολείται και με αλλα πράγματα γιατι δεν βγάζει τα χρήματα που θελει απο αυτο συν του οτι αντιμετωπίζεται και περιεργα απο τους υπόλοιπους

IPhone 15 pro - Macbook air m2

#922   xxxxxx


    iPH Guru

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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 11:43

Αρα σφαζονται οι άνθρωποι που αποτελούν ουσιαστικά την jailbreak σκηνη...
Και ο βασικότερος πυλωνας ο μουσιας οπως τον λένε ασχολείται και με αλλα πράγματα γιατι δεν βγάζει τα χρήματα που θελει απο αυτο συν του οτι αντιμετωπίζεται και περιεργα απο τους υπόλοιπους

Ο μούσιας πλέον είναι επιχειρηματίας.

#923   odiseas


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 11:56

Οσοι είμαστε σε 10.3 για 64μπιτ τι να κάνουμε?Θα βγεί κάτι ή να πάμε στην επόμενη έκδοση?

#924   xxxxxx


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 12:00

Οσοι είμαστε σε 10.3 για 64μπιτ τι να κάνουμε?Θα βγεί κάτι ή να πάμε στην επόμενη έκδοση?

Κάνε λίγο υπομονή.

#925   odiseas


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 12:01


#926   nikosgnr


    iPH Legendarious

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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 12:02

Οσοι είμαστε σε 10.3 για 64μπιτ τι να κάνουμε?


| JailBreak Means System Customization |


#927   malias4


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 13:57

Κ αλλη υπομονη ; :)
Μονο αμα κανει o psychoTea κατι

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: malias4, 26/12/2017 - 14:03

iPhone 12 pro max ios 14.2.1 jb  Apple watch series 7 nike

#928   PaNoSS®


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 14:44

εγώ αψηφοντας τους κινδυνους, βασικά σιγα τον κίνδυνο..εκανα επιτυχως τη διαδικασία..απο εκεί και πέρα τι??

δεν παίζει να μπορώ να κάνω κάτι άλλο..?cracked εφαρμογές μπορώ να περασω;;

#929   xxxxxx


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 14:46

εγώ αψηφοντας τους κινδυνους, βασικά σιγα τον κίνδυνο..εκανα επιτυχως τη διαδικασία..απο εκεί και πέρα τι??

δεν παίζει να μπορώ να κάνω κάτι άλλο..?cracked εφαρμογές μπορώ να περασω;;

Cracked παρουσιάζουν πρόβλημα στο appstore.

#930   PaNoSS®


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Δημοσίευση 26/12/2017 - 14:49

το ssh που ενεργοποιήθηκε, μπορώ τώρα με ένα τερμιναλ να αλλάξω τον κωδικό user?



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