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The New iPod Touch (concept) video

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#1   iPodTouchPro


    iPH Elite Poster

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Δημοσίευση 17/02/2009 - 15:44

*Translated from italian*
That one today is a special Concept because it comes introduced under video form and is realized from the Purchase Brothers, indeed famous in order to have given life to a amatoriale film called “Half Life”. The function “iPod”, that is that of the audio reproduction is emphasized very, and sees a device much thin one, with the display larger in a position to changing completely aspect, transforming themselves in iPod old style, with a lot of virtual metal ring in order to change songs and to control the volume. But obviously the concept it is a lot more, since in the successive photograms we notice the multimediale bookcase with the photos, the satellitari maps, the perfect film reproduction, and all the other functions that by now we are accustomed to see on ours iPod Touch. A fastest series of written extension the main functions of the device, between which we can read: iRadio, iWork, Water Proof, Walkie Talkie and a lot other. In order to up see the video, cliccate on the image. Personally I find it fantastic! It would appeal to much possession a iPod indeed to me of the sort. You that of thoughts?

Video made by the same folks who produced the amazing Half Life Escape From City 17.

[Via iSpazio]



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#2   aC3


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Δημοσίευση 17/02/2009 - 16:26

Εξαιρετικό design Και ωραία ιδέα αυτή για το Touch Screen που μοιάζει με iPod Classic... Αλλά μήπως είναι iPhone? γιατί στο τέλος λέει iPhone Everything

#3   iPodTouchPro


    iPH Elite Poster

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Δημοσίευση 17/02/2009 - 16:32

ναι οντως το παρατηρησα κι εγω....τι να πω,δεν ξερω.

#4   dimistolis


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Δημοσίευση 17/02/2009 - 17:44

Δεν νομιζω να ειναι iPhone γτ το design του back cover ειναι αισχος.....

#5   aC3


    iPH Contributor

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  • GameCenter:_aC3_

Δημοσίευση 17/02/2009 - 19:13

στο 38ο δευτερόλεπτο αν το παγώσετε θα δείτε ότι λέει iPod... Αν και για iPhone γαμάτο φαίνετε...

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