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Cyfix - Επιδιόρθωση repos στο Cydia

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17 μηνύματα σε αυτό το θέμα

#16   mikexs


    iPH Master

  • 5,698 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@mikexst
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6
  • Tablet:iPad 3

Δημοσίευση 15/09/2010 - 08:07

ειναι δυο τροποι που βρηκα στο internet σε ξενο site και ειναι 100% σιγουροι

( 1 )
SSH Method

Step 1. Open your SSH Client. (WinSCP for PC, Cyberduck for Mac)
-1a. Enter your I.P address in the 'hosts' box. Your I.P address can be found by Opening SBSettings.
-1b. Enter your Username and Password. The default username and password is : 'root' and 'alpine' (Changing root password is HIGHLY recommended.)

Step 2. You are now inside the iPhone and can see all of the directories. Navigate to '/private/etc/apt/sources.list.d'
-2a. Open it, and Delete all files that come up as a error on Cydia.
-2b. Open Cydia.list for editing You will see lines that look like : deb http:/xsellize.com for example.
-2c. Remove the line that has the offending repo URL.

Step 3. Navigate to : /private/var/lib/apt/list and Delete all files that contain the corrupted repo in the name.

Step 4. Navigate to : /private/var/lib/apt/list/partial and Delete all files that contain the corrupted repo in the name.

Step 5. Navigate to : /private/var/lib/cydia and Open the metadata.plist for editing using a .plist editing program
-5a. Search for the corrupted repo, and Delete all instances of it. It may appear More than once in the metadata.plist file.
-5b. Save the file.

( 2 )
iFile Method

Step 1. Navigate to '/private/etc/apt/sources.list.d'
-1a. Open it, and delete all files that come up as a error on Cydia.
-1b. Open Cydia.list for editing You will see lines that look like : deb http:/xsellize.com for example.
-1c. Remove the line that has the offending repo URL.

Step 2. Navigate to : /private/var/lib/apt/list and Delete all files that contain the corrupted repo in the name.

Step 3. Navigate to : /private/var/lib/apt/list/partial and Delete all files that contain the corrupted repo in the name.

Step 4. Navigate to : /private/var/lib/cydia and Open the metadata.plist
-4a. Search for the corrupted repo, and Delete all instances of it. It may appear More than once in the metadata.plist file.
-4b. Save the file.

Open up Cydia and see whether the problem still persists. If everything was done correctly, the corrupted repo should be gone.

αν δεν τα πατε καλα με τα αγγλικα πεστε μου να τα μεταφρασω

Ολοι αυτοι οι τροποι εχουν περιγραφει αναλυτικα στον οδηγο που εχω γραψει... στα ελληνικα...



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#17   KleinMein


    iPH newbie

  • 61 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας

Δημοσίευση 27/09/2010 - 19:00

Καλησπέρα παιδιά!
εμενα μου βγαζει αυτο το μηνυμα

Attached File  IMG_0011.PNG   137.77KB   3 downloads

ποια διευθυνση βαζω ρε παιδια? εγραψα αυτη : http://cydia.myrepospace.com ./
αλλά δεν ειδα αποτελεσμα....

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: KleinMein, 27/09/2010 - 19:03.

#18   KleinMein


    iPH newbie

  • 61 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας

Δημοσίευση 27/09/2010 - 19:11

οκ μαλλον εκανα λάθος εγώ, την ξαναεγραψα χωρίς την κάθετο στο τέλος και εστρωσε!

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