Ήταν γνωστό ότι η Google προσπαθεί να προσελκύσει προγραμματιστές από την πλατφόρμα της Apple στη δικιά της όπως, μάλιστα, είχε γίνει γνωστό ότι η Microsoft προσέφερε μετρητά για την μεταφορά παιχνιδιών του App Store στα επερχόμενα Phone 7
Την προηγούμενη βδομάδα είχε δημοσιευτεί νέο e-mail της Microsoft σε developer σχετικά με τα επερχόμενα Windows Phone 7:

Φαίνεται ότι και η HP δεν έχει ξεγράψει το WebOS, μετά την εξαγορά της Palm, και αναζητά και αυτή developers για να συνεισφέρουν στην επέκταση του WebOS.
Η Palm μάλιστα προσφέρει και βραβείο $1 εκατομμύριο στο πρόγραμμα της ή προϊόντα της HP ως δώρο στους προγραμματιστές:
Dear Developer,
This summer is an exciting time for Palm and our developer community! Palm and HP recently announced the completion of the merger between the two companies, ushering in a new era of exciting opportunities for developers. As the largest technology company in the world, HP brings the extensive resources necessary to scale the Palm® webOS™ platform to a new level.
Bring C/C++ apps to webOS quickly and easily
If you haven’t already joined the webOS developer program, now is the time to act. Using Palm’s PDK toolkit, you can quickly and easily port your existing C/C++ applications and extend your revenue opportunities, plus take advantage of this summer’s programs:
• Driving more Revenue
From June 18 through July 23rd, Palm is sponsoring a Summer App Discount Program – 50% off of all paid apps in the U.S. while subsidizing the cost of the discount for developers. This means the potential for increased downloads of your apps while you still receive your full revenue share.
• No more submission fees
We’ve recently eliminated the $50/per app submission fee that was part of our developer program. This means no cost associated with joining the webOS developer program or submitting applications to the Palm App Catalog.
• PDK Hot Apps Promotion
The Palm PDK Hot Apps Program offers developers $1 million in cash or HP Products for applications developed using the Palm webOS Plug-in Development Kit (PDK), available on our web site at http://developer.palm.com/.
If you’re a developer with games programmed in C/C++, our PDK makes it fast and easy to port your apps to webOS, so increase your revenue potential and start competing for your share of $1M. The count begins July 15, 2010 and will last until September 30, 2010. Learn more about PDK Hot Apps at http://developer.palm.com/ and get started soon.
This is only the beginning as we increase our efforts to help developers grow distribution and revenue.
Ready to learn more? Email us at pdk@palm.com, tell us where you are in your planning and development efforts, and we’ll personally guide you through development, submission and marketing opportunities for your webOS applications.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Palm Developer Relations