Qik Video Camera Pro for any iPhone - Top Quality > ΔΩΡΕΑΝ για αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο!ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Όσοι χρήστες είχαν αγοράσει την εφαρμογή, ΠΡΙΝ αποσυρθεί από το AppStore, καλύτερα να μην αγοράσουν/αναβαθμίσουν σε αυτή τη νέα έκδοση, γιατί πολλά από τα features που υπήρχαν τότε, έχουν αφαιρεθεί, εξαιτίας των περιορισμών της Apple.
Διαβάστε προσεχτικά το section PREVIOUS VERSION OWNERS, καθώς και τα reviews στο US Store.
Όσοι δεν την είχαν ποτέ, ας την κατεβάσουν τώρα που είναι και δωρεάν, γιατί απ'οτι φαίνεται, αυτή η έκδοση δεν είναι και τόσο καλή όσο η προηγούμενη, η οποία είχε βγει πρώτη σε
συγκριτικά test.
The Video Camera for any iPhone, now with amazing touch effects!
WEEKEND SALE: free, for this weekend only!
• send to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or send via SMS and Email
• the best combined resolution and FPS performance in the app store
• the only video camera app where video and audio are always in sync
• archive, view, and manage your videos on qik.com -- no memory worries
• exclusive large video sharing over email
• get creative with Photo mixing effect - overlay any picture on top of your video, draw on it!
• 10 amazing real time effects
Other features include:• smooth zoom and brightness control, audio gain control
• export videos to phone's gallery (auto-export option in settings)
• download videos via local wifi
• standby mode - save your battery
• audio feedback for Record, Stop and Pause buttons - let's you film yourself
• landscape recording
• new for 3GS users: upload videos taken by the native recorder (Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Qik!)
Tips:• better lighting = better video quality
• Your iPhone's microphone is located at the bottom - make sure it's not covered by your hand when recording
• You can download your videos through a browser on wifi:
- enable wifi access to your videos in Qik Gallery view - get the address shown in popup window
- enter that into your local web browser to see your videos!
• use volume buttons to control level of audio feedback
• effects controls:
- spin the effects wheel to choose an effect
- use tab on the left to hide control panel and watch effects at full
- currently selected effect has its thumbnail zoomed in - hit black cross to turn off effect and go back to Normal
- for PhotoMix effect, a new image is suggested to be selected only at the first start of application or after black cross is pressed
PREVIOUS VERSION OWNERS_______________________
Your existing app has some capabilities that are not present in this version:
• your effect previews are shown full-size, directly on the main screen
• effect controls and the video timer are shown on the main screen as well
The new app can no longer do these specific things due to app store restrictions. If this app were released as an update, your previous version would be automatically deleted and replaced with this one -- there is no way to get it back once that happens. We thought it would be best to let current owners keep their existing app, and leave the option to try out the new features up to you. Thank you for your understanding -- without your support, we wouldn't be here.
For 3GS users: this app provides effects, zoom and auto-focus, but the video quality of native video camera on iPhone 3GS is still higher than with this application. You can use this app to upload native videos, though. ![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/047/Purple/6e/0b/51/mzl.nqcbsucb.320x480-75.jpg)
![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/006/Purple/9c/5d/58/mzl.fkrotinc.320x480-75.jpg)
![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/045/Purple/d6/d7/f5/mzl.geefkbrh.320x480-75.jpg)
![Αναρτημένη εικόνα](http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/033/Purple/d4/43/58/mzl.dhnfokie.320x480-75.jpg)
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: mikexs, 17/04/2010 - 08:57