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Προχθές το Soul αναφέρθηκε ως δωρεάν, και το ανέγραφε στο δικό τους link κιόλας, αλλά τελικά είχε κανονική χρέωση...

[Best-Of] App Store - Deals!
Δημοσίευση 06/07/2010 - 11:34
Δημοσίευση 06/07/2010 - 12:25
Δημοσίευση 06/07/2010 - 15:20

Skid Racer! (By Kiai Games) ... Δωρεάν για 1 ημέρα μόνο!
*** Skid Racer! receives a great review on Slide to Play ***
Slide to play writes “The App Store is the ideal place for simple games that pack a lot of fun, and Skid Racer is a prime example.” and goes on writing “… it’s definitely worth the dollar it costs.”.
3, 2, 1, SkidRacer! Featuring 3 different championship modes with 9 unique tracks on 3 environments: Grassy hills, Desert storm and Mud pit! Tune the engine, acceleration and tires to get all the power out of your race car. Collect nitro powerups for speed advantage but beware of slippery oil spills! Finally, show of your skills on global high score leader boards.
Ready for speed and excitement? GET Skid Racer! NOW
Skid Racer! is OpenFeint Enabled.

Δημοσίευση 06/07/2010 - 23:29
Δημοσίευση 06/07/2010 - 23:43
Να ρωτησω και εγω κατι..... Προχτες κατεβασα το Kick pinball με χρεωση 0,79 και τελικα η πιστωτικη μου χρεωθηκε με 1 ευρω... Ξερετε γιατι?
Ίσως τα 0,21 επιπλέον ήταν η κράτησεις της τράπεζας για την συναλλαγ =/
Δημοσίευση 06/07/2010 - 23:47
Χμ, καταλαβα... παντως, με την ιδια καρτα ειχα κανει και παλιοτερα συναλλαγες απο applestore και δε μου ειχε κανει χρεωση.. το τελευταιο μηνα εχω παρατηρησει αυτο το φαινομενο...Ίσως τα 0,21 επιπλέον ήταν η κράτησεις της τράπεζας για την συναλλαγ =/
Δημοσίευση 07/07/2010 - 11:16
Να ρωτησω και εγω κατι..... Προχτες κατεβασα το Kick pinball με χρεωση 0,79 και τελικα η πιστωτικη μου χρεωθηκε με 1 ευρω... Ξερετε γιατι?
Θα σου επιστραφούν!Είναι εκτίμηση του κόστους.
Δημοσίευση 07/07/2010 - 15:19
Cheat Code to get 30 lives! When mission 01 starts, quickly input: up up down down left right left right A B
it is the year 2046. an anthropomorphic extraterrestrial species has overrun planet earth, and is unleashing its destructive forces on major cities across the globe. apocalypse threatens as rumor spreads that the invaders have scheduled a 7,000 megaton nuclear detonation.
you are all that stands between your planet and a nuclear winter. now is the moment of determination, iron commando...
✓ swanky cartoon style
✓ fluid graphics w/ high fps
✓ detailed surroundings
✓ smooth controls
✓ realistic shooting & sound fx
✓ eight different stages
✓ eight formidable boss ships
What's new
-ui changes

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: mikexs, 07/07/2010 - 15:21
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 10:55
Ultraviolet Dawn
From the makers of critically-acclaimed "Project Phoenix" comes a new, exciting creation. "Ultraviolet Dawn" is a hybrid space-shooter/trading game with a completely open Universe comprising over 1,000 stars to explore. "Ultraviolet Dawn" is our most beautiful and refined game to date.
There is no single predefined way to play - everything is entirely up to you. You chose what you want to be and how you want to play. You can be a peaceful merchant, shuttling goods between stars. You can be an outlaw, attacking innocent ships and capturing their cargo. You can be a smuggler, trading in illegal goods banned by the the Intergalactic Federation. You can even run missions, both legal and illegal.
There is so much to the game. Not only can you upgrade your ships weapons, but you can also upgrade equipment, such as adding more powerful engines or faster regenerating shields. You can even trade your ship in and fly something else entirely, whether a captured pirate ship or a large, bulky cargo carrier.
* Be good or evil: peaceful trader, indepenent bounty hunter, or a pirate outlaw - the choice is completely yours.
* Over 1,000 stars in an entirely open-ended universe to explore.
* 8 different ships to pilot.
* Unique goods trading system, with realistic demand and supply price calculations.
* Ability to hire teammates for help, with teammate formations provided.
* Fully upgradeable weapons systems.
* Upgradable ship equipment systems - engines, shields, and much more.
* Three difficulty levels.
* Local and global high scores.
* Saveable at any point in time.
* Intense, driving music and awesome sound effects.
Follow us on Twitter:

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: mikexs, 08/07/2010 - 11:06
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 11:25
Paper Fish
Featured by the App Store multiple times. This is a fun action/fishing game with a twist.

Dance Duo
A top quality music/rhythm game that has great graphics and a two-player mode.

Paper Plane
An innovative and addictive racing/action game where you get to customize your paper planes and fly them!

Fish Scooper
A great-looking, relaxing game that lets you scoop up fish with your iPhone!

Air Defense
An intense FPS/action game with amazing graphics and sound effects.

Zoo Manager Off
A fun strategy game where you get to feed the cute animals! Great for kids!

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: mikexs, 08/07/2010 - 11:26
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 11:33
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 11:53
το ultraviolet dawn το δοκίμασε κανείς ως τώρα; αξίζει να κατέβει; δεν θα σάρωνε σαν ιδέα αν ήταν σε στυλ mmorpg;
Δωρεάν είναι. Γνώμη μου, κατέβασέ το και αν δεν σου αρέσει το βγάζεις. Πάντως τα reviews στο US AppStore είναι πολύ καλά.
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 11:57
το ultraviolet dawn το δοκίμασε κανείς ως τώρα; αξίζει να κατέβει; δεν θα σάρωνε σαν ιδέα αν ήταν σε στυλ mmorpg;
λίγο που το δοκίμασα ωραίο μου φάνηκε.
γούστα είναι αυτά....όπως σου είπε και ο mikexs κατέβασε το και αν δεν σου αρέσει βγάλτο.
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 16:09

Έχει πολύ γέλιο το πρόγραμμα και γενικά είναι πολύ ποιοτικό! Αξίζει να του ρίξετε μια ματιά!

iStalin: Create Your Communist Poster ... 1.59 ευρώ! (iPad support)
- Completely new interface
- Rotate, scale, and scroll the Stickers and Texts
- Apply multiple effects on the same image
- Send your image by Email or share it on Facebook directly from the application
Recommended Application
- iphoneapplicationlist.com
MOSKOW, USSR - Good news, comrades! Finally, after years of struggle the Industrialization of the Soviet Union paid off.
From the creators of the Communist Manifesto, the October Revolution and the Perestroika comes the best Soviet Union’s product since Kalashnikov – iStalin! Finally, the people will have the privilege to create Soviet posters themselves and spread the communist glory!
Spread the joy of living under the communist regime!
The people can choose between different styles and papers that were approved by the communist party or place a photograph of Stalin or the symbols of the industrial proletariat – the hammer and sickle.
There are some celebrity appearances including the comrades Lenin and Che. Last but not least, the people will be able to add different soviet slogans that tovarish Stalin personally picked.
Useful interface that resembles Tetris!
Soviet engineers gave their best to provide the people with an easy to use interface that increases the production of soviet posters by 120%.
The camera of the iPhone apparatus can be used to take pictures that are not black and white anymore! The people can also choose between the communist party photos that appear to be on their iPhone/iPod Touch apparatus.
After they manage to finish their job they can save their work and continue to work for the prosperity of the party.
What about support?
New stickers and texts will be added constantly so that the glory of the Soviet Union will be spread throughout the world. Updates will be completely free unlike those capitalist applications that want you to pay for each update.
With capitalist applications one person exploits the other, with iStalin – it’s exactly the opposite.
And remember – In the Soviet Union, iStalin buys you!
Visit the iStalin Flickr group to see the communist posters done by other comrades:

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: JohnHasio, 08/07/2010 - 16:16
Δημοσίευση 08/07/2010 - 16:12
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