Ακόμα ένα καταπληκτικό παιχνίδι που θυμίζει το Stardust για Playstation 3, είναι εδώ και μερικές μέρες σε προσφορά.Meteor Blitz για iPhone [0,79€] και Meteor Blitz HD για iPad [2,39€]Προσοχή! Οι εκδόσεις είναι διαφορετικές για iPhone και iPad. Η εφαρμογή δεν είναι universal.

Μερικές από τις κριτικές:
5 Stars! "Meteor Blitz is one of the highest quality space shooters we've seen for the iPhone...this one comes highly recommended"
- Arnold Kim, Touch Arcade
5 / 5! "It has the perfect balance of control scheme, graphics and rich gameplay that make this game worth every penny asked."
- Erik Fikkert, AppVee
Must Have! "Meteor Blitz is the complete package in every way. If you want a game with gorgeous visuals, skill-based shooting, perfect controls, online connectivity, and replay value, look no further."
- Shawn Leonard, Slide To Play
Must Have! "Meteor Blitz is the most extensive survival shooter that I have ever played on the iPhone...I cannot emphasize enough how good of a game this is."
- Daniel, No DPad
App of the Week! - "Meteor Blitz is the best top-down space shooter for the iPhone...Meteor Blitz stands at the head of the class as the best by far of its genre."
- Will Raskin, 148Apps
"5 stars (one of the top shooters and recommended for anyone who's even remotely interested; definitely a worthy addition and has enough differences to set it apart from others)"
- Big Albie
"Our top pick of the week by far...It’s one of the best games we’ve played on the platform in a while. iLounge Rating: A-"
- Jeremy Horwitz, iLounge
FEATURES- Amazing graphics
- Lighting fast gameplay
- Super responsive controls
- No load times!
- 3 powerful upgradable weapons
- Gravity gun
- 6 stunning worlds
- Arcade and survival modes
- Autosave and instant resume
- Global online leaderboards
- Realtime in-game global ranking
- Original techno soundtrack -or- listen to your own music
Ένα video από την έκδοση για iPad.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: mikexs, 12/07/2010 - 19:44