Το djay for iPad φιλοδοξεί να γίνει η 1η πλήρης εφαρμογή για επίδοξους disc jockey καθώς εκμεταλεύεται πλήρως τις αναβαθμισμένες audio-δυνατότητες του iOS 4.2... το video που ακολουθεί θα σας πείσει:
Η Algoriddim σχολιάζει το παραπάνω video:
As you can see, djay for iPad analyzes 2 tracks in parallel (BPM detection, beat grids, etc), *while* drawing the waveforms *and* playing / processing 2 tracks in real-time (minimal latency) *and* smoothly rendering graphics (*and* possibly recording the output to storage memory) *and* possibly sharing via AirPlay!
Μερικά από τα χαρακτηριστικά του djay for iPad:
* Full access to iPod library
* Multi-tasking: you can run djay in Automix mode and listen to a continuous, seamless mix running in the background while you surf the web, play games, etc.
* AirPlay: you can wirelessly stream your mix to your Apple TV or AirPort Express station in real-time.
* Fully leverages accelerated CPU extensions (SSE-like) for high-quality audio processing and analysis
* Very low latency (< 3 msec)
* Background audio playback (multi-tasking support)
* Pre-Cueing (via mono/stereo adapter)
* BPM syncing
* Automix
* Automatic transitions
* Speed and Pitch changes
* EQ / Gain settings
To djay for iPad αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει αμέσως μετά την διάθεση του iOS 4.2...
Stay tuned!
[via Macrumors]