Και η μάχη των donation ...$$$$συνεχίζεται!! Κοιτάχτε πως 'την λέει' στον
@sherif_hashim στον
@comex και στο
@ΜuscleNerd o δικός μας
@Proud2bGreek (ναι..ελληνας είναι!), και η ανάλογη απάντηση του
@sherif_hashim &
@Proud2bGreek LoL@Haters
@sherif_hashim well done meatball! Too bad Mumbarak didnt get to ur home.
@Proud2bGreek LoL@Haters
@sherif_hashim what about those who *PROMISE* and never deliver, playing with people's hard earned money? You are *only* good at lecturing.
@Proud2bGreek LoL@Haters
Another @comex fail
http://is.gd/N3IKtv Nothing significant about iOS today at pwn2own. I seriously don't know why i still follow this guy.
@Proud2bGreek LoL@Haters
@ehhmad MuscleNerd said that not me, just read his tweets it only takes half an average brain to get it. Good luck waiting for months.
Answers:@ΜuscleNerd i4 unlock reduced by Greek @Proud2bGreek "douchebag daughters"
http://is.gd/tEDg8C http://is.gd/1zDEP4 - Not worth it
@sherif hashim @mertsall @Proud2bGreek @its_caturday @Pirateofomc enjoy your locked iphones & your locked minds too

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