Today we have something new for iPhone and iPod touch owners: OS 3.1
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Question: Βλεπει καποιος απο εσας live video? Επειδη κοιταξα τοσα sites να ειμαι σιγουρος και βιντεο κανενα..10:15AM - “Next up, a redesigned iTunes store. New artist pages, new TV pages. It’s just a much cleaner layout. Finally, something I really love: iTunes LP. Some of us here are old enough that we actually bought LPs — you got the music and you got great photography. Who could forget some of these classic albums?”
10:11AM - “We’re applying that same tech to something new called Genius mixes. Imagine a Genius DJ that plays endless mixes of songs from your iTunes library that go great together — almost like a radio station. iTunes will make up to 12 of them based off of music in your library.”
10:10AM - “I want to cover a few new features: Genius mixes, we’re applying it to some new areas. People have submitted over 27m libraries, each about 2k songs, so about 54b songs — we’ve analyzed all of them, and the Genius db has just gotten smarter, and hopefully the recommendations have just gotten better.”
10:09AM - “We’ve recently crossed 100m accounts — all with credit cards and one-click purchases. Today we’re introducing iTunes 9 — the next major release of iTunes. We’ve cleaned it up and made it much easier to navigate around.”
10:08AM - “Let’s move on to music: let’s start with iTunes. We love iTunes and use it every day. It’s now in 23 different countries, just opened Mexico a few weeks ago. It’s the number one music retailer in the world.” Big applause.
10:08AM - 3.1 is free and available
10:07AM - “The second thing we’re adding today is ringtones to the iTunes store — they’re going to be sold at a breakthrough price for ringtones: $1.29.”
10:06AM - “It’s got a lot of nice features. I’ll highlight a few: first is our Genius technology. It works really well… we’ve applied that same technology to the App Store.” App recommendations based on the apps you own!
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: ApoelAndreas, 09/09/2009 - 19:16