I will start off with some tools you WILL need.
WinSCP (or another SSH client of your choosing)
Erica Utilities (found in Cydia)
ok you go open up your SSH Client and type in the IP Address of the device as the hostname. (Log in using the username root, and the password alpine)
When connected goto your root folder, then go into the follow directory:
Once there the file we need to edit is springboard.strings, I suggest making a back up now by making a duplicate copy of it and renaming it to springboard.stringsoriginal so you know you have it.
Now! open up putty and go to that same directory…remember your terminal commands? If not follow this:
cd /
cd System
cd Library
cd CoreServices
cd SpringBoard.app
cd English.lproj
Note the capitals!! Will not find the directory if you use lowercase.
now in your putty prompt type in the following command;
plutil -c xml1 SpringBoard.strings
This step is important because it aligns the file to XML thus making it neater and less of a hassle to read through.
Now you can remain in putty and just use the VI editor, if you’re comfortable using. If you aren’t go back to WinSCP and right click SpringBoard.strings and click edit.
Dont mess with whats in the “<key>Example</key” lines. Only edit whats in between “<string>DISPLAYED TXT</string>” lines.
VIOLA! You now have gained access to your devices System Strings and can now fully edit all the txt on the device to your liking.
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