Ο MuscleNerd δημοσίευσε ένα screenshot από κάποιο thread (ίσως της Apple;) με τίτλο: “Dev-Team works for (or IS) Apple?” το οποίο είναι αρκετά ενδιαφέρον θέμα για συζήτηση…
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Dev-Team works for (or IS) Apple?
I Can’t help but think that Dev-Team works for Apple, this may or may not be true but you can read and decide. I was wrong about Geohot, you all should only follow Geohot and no other hacker team. Ya know MuscleNerd, wizdaz, etc. (Dev-TEAM)? They might work for Apple! READ BELOW.
Before the jailbreak, none of us use the iPhone for applications, we used it mainly for web apps or music. Apple decided to create an App Store with applications but they were too lazy to moderate the App STore and they didn’t want to be responsible for it so Apple selected their most talented programers aka Dev-Team and paid them to create jailbreaks. When enough people did the jailbreaks, Apple realized they could make money out of it and then they made their own App Store! BUT WAIT, there’s more to it!
Apple wanted more people to purchase their iPhones (MORE $$$), but they had an exclusive contract with AT&T in the US so they had to disguise themselves as the DevTeam and create unlocks! For each update AT&T keeps pushing them to stop the jailbreak, so naturally Apple will make it seem like they’re patching the jailbreaks. Deep inside they’re dev-team in disguise, they release software unlocks so people can easily unlock their iPhones and in return they get more iPhone sales.
Dev-Team charges 30% to developers in the jailbreak Cydia store. Remind you of anything? Yea, Apple does that too! Does that ring any bells?
Everyone knows that most people use Windows in this world, no one is that rich to afford a Mac. Dev-Team always develops Mac jailbreaks first, and almost never a Windows jailbreak. They lie that it’s hard to make a Windows version (pffft…. yea, good one guys!). They release Mac first, BECAUSE they want to get more sales for Apple! They are Apple
Geohot was the real iPhone unlucker and Zibri made the easiest jailbreak. Dev-Team (aka Apple) were forced to kick out Geohot and Zibri because they knew they both could make easy 1 click jailbreaks. They wanted to make complex jailbreaks, no the 1 click Geohot style kind. With the 1 click jailbreaks it would look to Apple’s carriers like AT&T that Apple is actually trying to ban the jailbreaks, when they’re not.
Dev-Team has a donation page where they say they don’t want any donation. A real hacker would ask for donations, there’s no way they would work their ass off on jailbreaks and unlocks for that much time for nothing. You know why they don’t ask for donations or charge for jailbreak? YEA, they get paid a really handsome sum by Apple.
If Dev-Team were real hackers, they would also support the cracked apps. But they don’t! They also put up a message once you add the hackle repp on your Cydia. They don’t want you to crack and don’t support it. You know why? Because then they [Apple] loose 30% from the App Store!
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